Bubble Pool Covers

A bubble cover for your pool is the least expensive option and is commonly used for both indoor and outdoor pools. The price will depend on the size of pool and type of cover chosen, but for a 30’ pool (roller not included) a guideline price would be £250 – £350.

A bubble cover is designed both to stop heat escaping from the pool as a result of the bubbles which provide insulation and to use sunlight to deliver heat via solar gain.

There are a range of different types to chose from, which offer different levels of insulation, solar gain and likely longevity, but they are all good value.

A bubble cover is usually pulled onto the pool with a manual towrope and wound off with a manual roller. The cover is not unduly heavy and can easily be used on a 40 ft x 20 ft pool. The two pictures on the right show standard bubble covers with a towrope and manual roller. This style of cover can also be operated automatically with an electric roller.

Although these covers are good and work well, they are not safety covers, cannot be walked on and will not prevent people, animals or objects of any reasonable weight from sinking into the pool water.

If you have an indoor pool and are considering a bubble cover, you may also be interested in a foam pool cover.

Outdoor Manual Bubble Cover For Pool
Bubble Cover For Swimming Pool
Electric Bubble Pool Cover

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