Sauna and Steam Health Benefits

As well as being great ways to relax, saunas and steam rooms are widely recognised for bringing significant health benefits. Provided you don’t fall into a particular risk category that should avoid saunas and steam rooms, here are some of the benefits with which they are associated.

Stress reduction

Saunas and steam rooms relax the mind as well as the body, as the physical sensations affect psychological emotions, thereby enabling people to unwind and reduce the amount of stress they may be feeling. In today’s high pressure world, this can be a great release.

Improved blood circulation

During a steam bath or sauna, blood vessels become more flexible and there is improved circulation to the extremities. Blood flow to the skin can increase by as much as 50-70% of cardiac output, compared to the standard 5-10%.

Glowing healthy skin

Improved blood circulation brings nutrients to subcutaneous and surface skin tissue resulting in glowing healthy skin.

Cleansing the skin and detoxifying the body

Steam baths and saunas induce sweating to provide a comprehensive cleansing of the skin and sweat glands. Skin is the largest organ in the body and 30% of body waste is passed through the skin. Profuse sweating enhances the detoxifying capacity of the skin by opening pores and flushing impurities from the body, and the cleansing effect of profuse perspiration helps provide healthy skin and a clear complexion.

Toning up

During a 15 minute session in a sauna, your heart rate increases by 50-75%. This provides the same metabolic result as physical exercise and the increased cardiac stimulation is the equivalent to a brisk walk. There is a nominal effect on blood pressure because the heat also causes blood vessels in skin to expand to accommodate increased blood flow. In addition, spas and other such therapeutic facilities use saunas and steam baths in conjunction with massage to loosen fatty tissue and assist in the battle against cellulite.

Improved respiration

Steam is an excellent treatment for respiratory problems, such as chest congestion, bronchitis, laryngitis and sinusitis.

Relief from muscular and joint pain

Saunas and steam rooms are the perfect way to revive tired and strained muscles after physical exertion and also provide relief from joint pain and stiffness, as well as conditions such as arthritis.

Fighting off illness

When taking a sauna, skin temperature rises to 40°C (104°F) and internal body temperature rises to about 38°C (100.4°F), both of which are above normal body temperatures. This increase in heat creates an artificial fever state, which the body then starts to react to. Fever is part of the body’s natural healing process and works by stimulating the body’s immune system, resulting in increased production of disease fighting white blood cells, antibodies and interferon (an anti viral protein with cancer fighting capability).

This may be why many regular steam and sauna users claim that a “good sweat” at the onset helps relieve and ward off the most severe symptoms of cold or flu.

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